Our Ministries

Steward Board

The Stewards are nominated by the pastor and confirmed at the Quarterly Conference.  They serve a term of one year.  The Stewards are the spiritual leaders of the church.  They are responsible to transact the spiritual and temporal business of  church.  The Stewards seek out the needy and distressed in order to relieve and comfort them.


Trustee Board

The Trustees manage temporal concerns of the church.  They shall make improvements upon the property or real estate when authorized to do so.  The Trustees are nominated by the pastor and elected by the local church members.


Stewardess Board

The Stewardesses assist the Stewards in the duties related to the ritual of baptism and the Lord's Supper.  They make adequate preparations for all baptisms.  Prepare the elements for the Lord's Supper.  The Stewardesses dress the pulpit and altar with the appropriate vestments.


Lottie Brooks/Hannah Henry/Sylvia Taylor Missionary Society

The Missionary Society is called to discipleship.  They are committed to support the mission of the church.  Missionaries reach out to people and minister to their needs.  The Missionaries have a Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen ministry, which are used to serve anyone in need. 


Church School

The Church School is responsible for teaching, training, nurturing, preparing, and recruiting adults and children in God's Word for Christian service.


Class Leaders

The Class Leaders are dedicated members who provide spiritual support and guidance to the members of the church. Class Leaders are chosen by the pastor to serve the needs of the congregation, which extends to fulfilling the mission of Jesus Christ in preparing for God’s Kingdom.


Lay Organization

The Lay Organization instills in its membership a love and appreciation for the history, tradition, and principles of African Methodism; advocating respect and loyalty to constituted authority; and encouraging the support of all ministries of the local church.  Membership in the Lay Organization is for non ordained members of the church.


Usher Board

The Usher Board greets people that attend the worship services at the local church.  They are responsible for helping people during the worship service by giving them a program, directing them to a seat, and providing them a Bible and or hymnal when needed.


Commission on Stewardship & Finance

The Commission on Stewardship and Finance shall promote and cultivate Christian stewardship and administer the financial program of the church. They are responsible for creating a budget for the church every year. They deposit, disburse, and give an account of all funds for the church.

Commission on Christian Social Action

The Commission on Christian Social Action will coordinate activities addressing social injustices in order to promote a healthy and balanced society living in peace according to God’s Word.

Commission on Membership & Evangelism

The Commission on Membership & Evangelism will establish goals and objectives to support the increase of membership for the church, provide the training for discipleship, and study the community to assist in establishing ministries to meet the needs of the community. 

Commission on Christian Education

The Commission on Christian Education ensures the educational needs of the church are being met by creating curricula, reading materials, books for the church library, and all other supplies needed to equip and prepare those who provide instruction to the church membership.

H.E.A.R.T. Ministry

The H.E.A.R.T. (Healthy - Empowered - Anointed - Renewed - Trained) Ministry is our health ministry. Our mission is to live healthy lives from a mental, physical, and spiritual perspective. This will be done by making healthy food choices, exercising regularly, studying God's Word, and to fellowship together as God's people.

T & T Praise Dance Ministry

The T&T Praise Dance Ministry is committed to ministering to the people of God through music and dance.